College: The Daily To-Do's
Here's a quick list of things college students should be doing on a daily basis:
- CHECK YOUR EMAIL: You never know when you'll get an email cancelling class or changing a deadline.
- STAY ORGANIZED: You don't want to get to class and suddenly remember that you have an assignment due that same day, or that you forgot your homework in your room.
- EAT: While this sounds obvious, when things get busy, it's really easy to just let meal times slip by and not eat. If you find that this applies to you, start packing snacks to keep with you throughout the day.
- TREAT YOURSELF: Once a day do something fun. Read that book you've been meaning to read. Go for a walk. Work out. Whatever you find enjoyable, do that for at least 15-30 minutes a day.
- BE PRODUCTIVE: Every now and then you'll find days where you don't seem to have anything to do, but it's still important to do something productive. It can be as simple as sending that email you've been putting off for days, or taking out the trash.
- SLEEP: Schedule times to study during the day, in between classes, or even while you're at the gym/etc. (it's possible). Yes, you really do need 8-10 hours of sleep, and YES, the next episode can wait.
Although this list may seem vague and obvious, it is very easy to lose track of the smallest things when we are working so hard to do much bigger things!
-Terry On & Eat 'Em Up Kats!
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