8 Places To Spend Your Study Time

Finals are a little over a month away, and where you study can really impact how well you're studying. If where you've been studying isn't working out for you, maybe try one of these other places to study.

  1. Your dorm room/bedroom. While some people may not study well here due to distractions, some people do study well here.
  2. The library. The library is usually pretty quiet and maybe you'll get some motivation from all the people who are studying around you quietly. There are also some rooms where you can study. Some are for smaller groups, and some are from larger. Some of these rooms also require you to reserve them. Also note that the second floor is not a designated quiet floor.
  3. Lobbys of dorms/common areas at apartment complexes. Most of these places are pretty quiet, and but also can offer distractions due to other people walking through.
  4. Computer lab. While most college students have their own computer, maybe a computer lab is a good place for you to study, especially if you have games on your laptop you often get distracted by.
  5. Starbucks. Here in Huntsville we have three different Starbucks. There's one in the library, one in South Paw, and one at 45 and 11th street. If you do better with a little bustle, maybe this is a place for you to study.
  6. At a friends. If you have a friend you study well with, maybe trying going to their place. It's a change of scenery from your room, but you also will still be in private.
  7. Outside. If it's a pretty day grab your stuff and head outside. There are quite a few picnic tables around campus where you could sit and do work. You can find places where there is some bustle or a place that is fairly quiet. 
  8. LSC. There are plenty of places in the LSC where you can sit and study. Some are definitely quieter than others.
You can always explore campus and Huntsville to possibly find some other study places that might work well for you. 


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