Things to Consider When Making Your Schedule

College comes with an odd freedom you've never had before, and you'll never have again. You get to create your schedule and make it your own. While it sounds really awesome, it can be quite daunting. So this post will give you things to consider when creating your schedule so you can make your schedule fit your needs.

  • If you have organizations that you are in, or want to join, put those in your schedule first so you can be sure to not have a class during those meetings.
  • Consider work. Do you have a job? What hours/shifts do you think you'll be able to work?
  • How early do you wake up normally? If you're waking up at 10 am when you have nothing do do, 8 am classes may not be for you. Pushing your wake up time an hour earlier is doable, but you don't want to be shifting it too much.
  • When are you most productive? Are you good at waking up early and getting straight to work? Do you do your best work after dinner? You'll want to make sure you have time during your most productive time of the day to do homework and study. 
  • When do you usually go to bed? If you're going to bed at 10:30 every evening, long evening classes may not be for you. 
  • When do you usually eat? Try to schedule breaks so you have time for meals, or at least a decent snack.
  • Decide what classes you're going to take. How many hours can you handle? 
  • What classes only have one section? Work around these classes as much as you possibly can.
  • Consider making a second schedule if you know you register fairly late. If you end up registering late, you might not get any of the classes that fit in your schedule. It never hurts to have a back up.
Hopefully this quick post will help you create a schedule that really works for you, and keep you from struggling through a semester because you got stuck with a schedule that is the complete opposite of what you need.


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